Our Welcome Statement
We are a small, friendly, caring congregation that opens its doors to all people, just as Jesus would. We are committed to being a community that enables individuals to grow in their faith daily, and encourages each person to embody the unconditional love of Christ. We are a little bit of an unconventional congregation as we meet weekly for worship at 9:30 am every Sunday, choosing to rent rather than to have our own building, as we truly believe that the "church" is its people, and the work that it does to spread the hope filled Gospel message. After the worship service please join us for fellowship time and refreshments so that we can get to know each other better. Our congregation was founded in 2004. Ever since, we have been an active member in supporting the Pembroke Pines Community, and are seeking more people that are looking to embody what it means to Live out our Faith, not just on Sundays, but in our daily lives.
A Word of Welcome from Our Pastor
Rev. Jonathan Gantt
Grace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! I want to welcome you to Living Faith and thank you for your virtual visit. At Living Faith, it is our joy and honor to be called to serve Pembroke Pines and the surrounding area where, according to the most recent census data, at least 128 different languages are spoken. We are a church that is blessed to be made up of people from many different locations, cultures, and walks of life. Given that we were all born children of God, we at Living Faith are commited to full inclusion and seek to grow spiritually toward that end. When God called my family to move here, these were the things that caught our eye and excited us. What excites you? Dig a little deeper on our site and maybe visit us in person and experience the love and fellowship that are unique to Living Faith.
Living Faith Lutheran Church
We are a community of love, faith, forgiveness, and healing for ALL people. We are called to a Living Faith, a faith that is active in works of love. Here, Jesus is our shepherd and our Lord, tending to the flock by searching for the lost, lifting up the afflicted, healing the broken, feeding the hungry, and providing healing and new life for the whole world. We at Living Faith are committed to being an active participant in Jesus’ mission in Pembroke Pines and throughout the world.
We at Living Faith are committed to being an active participant in Jesus’ mission in Pembroke Pines and throughout the world by pursuing justice and equity in all its forms especially economic justice, racial equity, areas of accessibility, and matter of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
At Living Faith, we acknowledge that we are all broken and fall short of the glory of God.
Therefore, we ALL rely on God’s grace.
You are unconditionally welcome here and celebrated, as a beloved child of God.
So we want to invite you to experience Living Faith with us.

Our Mission
To share the joy of a LIVING FAITH in Jesus Christ with the people of Pembroke Pines, SW Broward County, and the World. We are a congregation that reaches out to our community, worships with joy and thanksgiving, and encourages members to GROW, GIVE and SERVE others.
We can help.
Are you new and need help?
Just arrived in our community? Let us guide and provide you a warm support as you get integrated.
Do you want to communicate with us?
We're here to listen. Share your concerns, we'd love to get to know you and walk alongside you spiritually
Do you want to study with us?
We offer enriching Bible study groups to delve deeper into the Word and grow together in faith.
Who are we connected to?
Who are we connected to?
Living Faith Lutheran Church is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). and the Florida-Bahamas Synod of the ELCA
The Synod Office is in Tampa, FL. Bishop Pedro Manuel Suarez is the Bishop.
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Living Faith has made a commitment to reach out to its Southwestern Broward County community, offering worship and learning for all ages and family members.
About us
What is a Lutheran?
As Lutherans, we believe that our relationship with God depends on God’s love for us and not on our own goodness or perfection. In Jesus Christ, God has broken down the barriers that separate us from God and one another. Freed from the need to be perfect or to save ourselves, we are free to love God with our whole heart and our neighbors as ourselves.
When Is Our Worship Service?
Living Faith Lutheran meets for worship every Sunday at 9:30 am.
We meet at:
West Broward Hall,
927 NW 178th Avenue
Pembroke Pines, FL
The purpose of our worship service is to bring you joy! Services last about an hour and include a children’s sermon. Each week we celebrate Holy Communion. Anyone who is a baptized Christian and who believes that Christ is truly present in the meal is welcome to join us at the Lord’s Table. After the service, we offer a social get-together with refreshments and coffee.